Where Have I Known You Before
Return to Forever
After the extraordinary stylistic turn of Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy, Return to Forever was sitting at the head of a new jazz movement, introducing a whole new generation to improvised music via high-velocity, intricate and passionate tunes. Where Have I Known You Before is masterpiece of the moment. RTF’s classic quartet lineup — Chick, Al di Meola on guitar, Stanley Clarke on bass and Lenny White on drums — is rock-solid, bringing new harmonic invention and boundless imagination to stadiums full of new jazz fans. Now-classic compositions like “Shadow of Lo” and “Song to the Pharoah Kings” made their first appearances here, providing a new high-watermark for electric group interplay.
Album Tracks
- Vulcan Worlds
- Where Have I Loved You Before?
- Shadow of Lo
- Where Have I Danced With You Before?
- Beyond the Seventh Galaxy
- Earth Juice
- Where Have I Known You Before?
- Song to the Pharoah Kings